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    I watched Sunday’s game. The last 5 minutes I saw so many coaching mistakes that I ended up yelling at the TV.  Let’s set the scenario- the LA Chargers are down by 10 points.  The Chiefs get the ball back.  Instead of calling timeout after after Chiefs down he lets them run off 35 seconds every play.  Why?  Oh, he wanted to save them for  when the Chargers have the ball.  Just do the simple math and anyone with a half of brain will realize that you have nothing to lose by calling timeout when the Chiefs had the ball.  He let them burn over 100 seconds off the clock.

    Wait, that’s not all he did wrong- the Chargers had a 1st and 25.  What play did Lynn call – yep a run.  Let’s see it gained maybe 4 yards and cost them over 20 precious seconds.  I know everyone in the stadium expected a pass- so what.  Rivers was firing on all 12 cylinders.  He was torching them. But wait, there’s more.  The Chargers would come to the line after a 1st down and throw the ball for usually an in-completion.  That burned more time.  What they should have done was spike the ball and save the time.  Rivers only needed 3 downs max for a first down.  the Chiefs were giving him the completions because they knew there wasn’t enough time for a comeback.

    Terrible coaching decisions.  Lynn needs to go back to school and learned addition and subtraction.  Dumb, dumb mistakes.



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