So LT just accepted a position as special assistant to the owner.  This is an exact quote of why he said he took the position-

“I want to create unique experiences for fans to engage with our players,” he explained with his trademark passion. “I want this to be a big program.  I want to develop something that is long lasting.  That is what this is all about. At the end of the day, the bond between the fans and the team is why you play the game. They’re the reason you play, and it is a special thing to share. I look forward to helping create what I had for (our) players and fans in Los Angeles.  L.A. hadn’t had an NFL team for so long, and I think these fans are starving for that! To make this impact, and a long lasting one, it will be as rewarding as when I played.”

Did LT forget it is the San Diego fans that he heard cheering his great accomplishments at the Q.  His reasoning doesn’t make any sense except he did it for money.  Humn, just like the what the Spanos’ did- abandon the San Diego fans for the money.  I’m beyond disappointed in LT.

LT should look around and see that Spanos is using him just like Spanos’ has done to everyone else.


2 thoughts on “LT sells out SD fans

  1. john says:

    That is soo true and to believe that he is making himself look good, really isnt. Did he forget that the Spanos’ are the ones that fired his best coach and also gave up on him and a slew of other important players is stupid. He knows that the city of San Diego and its fans are responsible for his greatest days as a Charger,, but he should know now that the Spanos’ dont give a crap about anyone but themselves. Has any of the Spanos family even thanked the city of San Diego and its fans for making the Chargers one of the best teams in the AFC west in the 2000s? I love you LT but what youre doing is straight GARBAGE!!

    1. lacharger13 says:

      right on point. Spanos only care about themselves! How quick was LT to grab the money instead of his self-respect. Very sad day for Charger fans

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